· 电线电缆- Wire Cable
· 控制电缆- Control Cable
· 橡套电缆- Rubber Sheathed Cable
· 特种电缆- Special Cable
· 网络线- Lan Cable
· 计算机电缆- Computer Cable
· 射频电缆- RF Cable
· 安防线缆
电线电缆- Wire Cable  

      说 明:


    在导体上用无铅耐热塑料或低毒性耐燃交联 聚烯烃绝缘材料包皮的电线,是450/750V以下电器机械配线及屋内电源用电线。
    - 耐热塑料不含铅,特别是在亲环境绝缘电线上,通过LS独自开发的材料,将耐热温度提高至90℃,提高了电流负载。
    - 耐热塑料:材料不含铅,亲环境
    - 低毒性、耐燃: 使用对环境有害的物质材料 ,火灾时可抑制毒气和烟雾的环保型产品。


    Insulation cables ensure excellent heat-resistance by using halogen free,flame-retardant cross-linked polyolefin, heat-resistant to 90℃, and heat-resistant vinyl (PVC).

     What are Insulation Cables?
    Insulation cables are wrapped with insulation materials that are lead-free, heat-resistant vinyl (PVC) or halogen free, flame-retardant cross-linked polyolefin over conductors. These cables are used for the cabling of electric devices of less than 450/750 V and for internal power supply.
    Used for the cabling of electric devices such as devices for power supply to the interior of residential and commercial buildings or for regular electric facilities
    - Ensures excellent performance through a company-developed, reliable processing of cable materials based on the best technical competencies and R D. These cables have the optimal exterior finish appropriate for the application.

    - The heat-resistant vinyl (PVC) contains no lead. Environmentally friendly insulation cables raise heat-resistance capability to 90℃ due to the materials developed by LS to raise the allowable current.
     Main Features
    - Heat-resisting Vinyl: Environmentally friendly, lead-free materials
    - Low-toxic, Flame-retardant: Environmentally friendly. Prevents toxic gas and noxious smoke from being generated in the event of a fire 

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